Waiting for the non taxpaying boaters.
May 1st. All local sail boats in.
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Mark Clement
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Mark Clement
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Mallards by Mark Clement
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Mark Clement
Photo: Mark Clement
Photo: Mark Clement
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Snowy Owl
Photo: Mark Clement
Canada Geese by Mark Clement
The west headland in its prime.
West headland warning signs.
Town staff treat the west headland as a utility site for Marina and Victoria Park operations.
Dredged sludge dumped on west headland.
Public Works’ contribution to the west harbour
Photo: Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Killdeer by Bill Thompson
Photo: Margaret Bain
Photo: Bill Thompson
Dunlin migrating – on way to Arctic by Rob Lonsberry
Redhead by Rob Lonsberry
Caspian Tern by Rob Lonsberry
American avocet shorebird. Photo: Rob Lonsberry
Photo: Ross Davis
Trumpeter Swan by Ross Davis
Great Black-backed Gull by Bill Thompson
Young Bald Eagle (becoming more common) by Ross Davis
Snowy Owl catching Merganser by Floyd Beattie
Mute Swans by Ross Davis
Long-tailed Duck (Oldsquaw) by Bill Thompson
Red-breasted Merganser by Bill Thompson
Greater Scaup by Bill Thompson
Photo: Bill Thompson
Young Peregrine Falcon by Sherwood McLernon
Young King Eider (very, very rare) by Sherwood McLernon
Greater Yellowlegs (occasional in migration) by Sherwood McLernon
Eared Grebe by Sherwood McLernon
Harlequin Duck (very rare) by Sherwood McLernon
American Avocet by Sherwood McLernon
Snow Geese by Sherwood McLernon
Photo: Bill Thompson
American Coot
American Coot & Mallard Drake by Ross Davis
Photo: Ross Davis
Young American Coots by Bill Thompson